Refurbished Wafer Boxes
Providing a low cost, environmentally friendly alternative to our customers who ship wafers across factories globally.
Engineering Sustainability
Designed with resource conservation in mind, one of the greatest benefits of our recycling programs are the huge reduction in dependency for raw polymers. This effect is especially profound for wafer manufacturing, which is inherently a high volume, fast-moving commodity. We are adept in systematically introducing functional reused boxes of various makes and models and integrating them back into the semiconductor manufacturing process. This safeguards the customer against resource depletion, trade factors, and market failures, preventing unnecessary disruption to the clockwork schedules.
We offer a wide selection of refurbished products that can support your wafer processing, and shipping requirements. The products offers solutions to protect, ship and deliver those valuable wafers along your supply chains.
Our Products
Wafer Processing & Storage
Offering a complete range of wafer processing products for your manufacturing needs.